Thursday, January 28, 2010

Awkward Moments

Well we had my brother-in-law's birthday party last night at my mother-in-law's house and it was the first time we had seen his fiance(the nanny) since she left Leilani in the swing for 5 hours in one day. It was definately uncomfortable at first and I would have to say when she asked if she could hold Leilani I really wanted to say no, but I managed to be nice and at the end I even hugged her goodbye. I don't know if I have all the sudden become more aware of other people's feelings because it is a mommy-gene that all mom's have or if it's just part of getting older but I can tell you that 2 years ago if that had happened we wouldn't have been able to be in the same room let alone would I have hugged her goodbye. I was pretty proud of myself for handling that moment as well as I did because I was pretty upset when I watched her to that to my baby on the nanny-cam!!

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