Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cleaning Company Ideas???

So my mom will be moving up soon and I am trying to help her get some leads for her cleaning company. Meanwhile all the business we get until she moves up will have to be handled by me. :( But it's nice to have the extra money. I am looking for any ideas anyone might have for drumming up some more business though!! I really want to make sure that she has enough to keep her afloat when she moves up. Thanks!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My life, the Jerry Springer Show

Well, I suppose I should start from the very start if I am going to tell you this story. My parents, after 27 years of marriage, are getting divorced. It will be final as of November 21, 2009. I was told about it when I was about 6 months pregnant and about 2 months before my wedding day, they considered not telling me because of my "condition". So then come to find out my dad has a girlfriend and my mom has a boyfriend and just so that the situation could be a little more dramaful the boyfriend and the girlfriend are married...........to each other. Now, they got divorced and my parents are about to be divorced so that they could basically partner-swap each other. So as you can imagine I was a little upset about this new-found knowledge I had been so blessed to recieve. I have a little brother who is about to turn 24 in a few weeks and he was pretty upset about it as well. I don't know if it's because I was pregnant and hormones were all different but suprisingly I handled the "news" really well. I even let the girlfriend come to my house to visit with my dad and the boyfriend come to my house to visit with my mom. I think a big part of why I am trying to make it work as hard as I am is my daughter. I really want her to know her grandparents because I really didn't have that growing up and I was always jealous of little kids who did. So now I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. Yesterday my dad made a comment that would lead me to believe that he and his girlfriend will be married pretty soon and I am torn between "being nice" and telling him my true feelings and thus possibly pushing him away from me and/or my daughter. I have tried to talk to him before and tell him my feelings and the most I can get back is an, "I'm sorry you feel that way". He kept saying that he wanted the divorce to be finalized so that the healing process could begin for me and my brother but I am beginning to think that he wanted the divorce to finalize for the same selfish reasons that he left and the same selfish reasons he didn't care who he hurt when he did leave........whether that be my little brother, my mother, me, my unborn child, etc. I then wonder.......someday will I be so self-involved that I too choose my wants and desires before anyone else's. Will my daughter someday think that I am so conceited and self-absorbed? Because he is my dad could it be possible that I too someday will not care about her her health or her feelings as much as my own? Could I have fallen heir to this obviously less than desireable trait?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The throat sighs!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

So my husband and i have had this same argument so many times and he just doesn't seem to understand how hurtful it was. His brother made fat jokes towards me a week before my due date and not only that but did it in front of several other members of his family and no one but me seems to think this is a big deal. I mean who the hell does he think he is? He isn't the best looking guy around nor does he have some great body and he's never carried a child! My husband just thinks i'm blowing it out of proportion and making it a bigger deal than it needs to be and he isn't even standing up for me at all! Then he gets mad when i don't want to hang out at his family gatherings or have his family over because i still haven't lost all the baby weight. My daughter is only three months old how fast does he expect me to lose it? He said maybe i should work out. So, maybe i should but between working my four jobs and taking care of our daughter i just seem to be having the tiny problem of finding the time. But you know he's too tired to talk about anything or deal with anything or clean house because he works so hard at his one job. Okay that's my rant for the day. I do feel a little better just getting that off my chest.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Baby Laughs!!

I have to say that I think there is nothing, and I do mean nothing more adorable than the first time you hear your little baby laugh!! Leilani, my 3 month old, has started to actually laugh at things now and it could just be the cutest thing I have ever seen. No matter how bad my day was when I get home and hear that laugh I have to smile. I am seeming to have a problem letting go though. My husband wants to take her with him to his family thanksgiving, which I am not going to gor reasons I will explain another time, and I find myself making excuses for why she should stay home with me where it's safe. Is this normal????

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Leaving is bittersweet

I have been at Side Pockets for almost 7 years now and I put my two weeks in last Friday. I cried when I told both of my bosses that I was leaving. My reasons for leaving are simple, I have a 3 month old baby who I would like to be able to spend more time with and I also don't want to get sick from the hundreds of people I come into contact with and bring something home to her. Last night we had a mandatory meeting where they discussed the holiday shifts and I can honestly say that I was so glad I had already put in my two weeks notice. You can imagine that working with a bunch of mostly female staff members can make things dramaful at times and no more so than when it comes down to who has to work the holiday shifts. I can't believe how mean they are to each other about it. Last year they tried to force me to work Christmas night when my family lives 4 hours away so that two workers could have off the same shift together and both of their families are in the area. It brought back memories of a time when I wanted to leave and reminded me why. So I would still say that I am going to be sad leaving a place that I have been a part of for so long, but I am glad to be going too.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I don't mind when people give me advice on parenting, actually I welcome the advice. Obviously I am new at the whole mom thing and I don't mind hearing the different ways of doing things. What irritates me is when I listen to their advice but choose not to follow it, and they take it as a personal insult!! Or even worse, if they are not giving me the advice or asking my opinion and when they are around my daughter they just do their own thing as if they were raising her like she were theirs. I am trying not to come off as too harsh to these people, but this is my choice and I feel like they are trying to take that away from me. And if I have to hear one more time about how many kids they raised or how "fine" their kids are I am going to scream!! I don't mind the advice but I still want the final say of what is actually going to take place to be my decision as I am the one who had to get fat and swollen and carry her around for nine months!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Monster In Law

I used to love that my husband was such a momma's boy because I thought that if he treated his mom so great that would mean he would treat me great as well. I have come to find, however, that it is a double edged sword. His mother is watching our 3 month old daughter one day a week and has repeatedly done things "her way" even after I have asked her to follow my schedule or do this my way and then she will just act like she didn't think it was that big of a deal or that she didn't know or forgot. And my husband takes her side on things every time!! I was happy that he was a momma's boy but I kind of thought that at some point he would let go enough to ensure the well-being of his child and his relationship with his wife.