Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Growing Up

At some point I have to wonder if we all come to a place in our lives where we think wow I sound, act and think "old". I hit that point over the last couple weeks. I feel like I am even older than I am. It does make it rough to hang out with people my own age and sometimes even years older than me b/c I feel like I just don't fit. I don't know if I am feeling this way because I am pregnant or if this would have happened anyway. Everything seems to be changing so quickly that my brain seems to have a hard time keeping up with it. Well as far as wedding news goes I just need to save another couple hundred to have everything paid for!! I am so excited I can't wait for it to just be that day already!! My mom is working on my dress, which I think will be gorgeous!! Everything seems to be coming together well.

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