Friday, October 10, 2008

Jeremy Leaves for Qatar

Today Jeremy leaves for Qatar..................I am such a baby about this I keep crying randomly throughout the day. I am sure my parents are having a harder time with it than I am. But I've been doing my research and it seems like Qatar isn't that scary of a place for him to go. But then I see things like this and I figure maybe it won't be so bad. But I will miss and love my brother while he's gone and wait for his safe return!!


Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers for a safe return... I haven't had the opportunity to meet your brother, but anyone who puts their country first and keeps our country safe, is a wonderful person in my book! All of our thanks for all you do Jeremy!!!! And hang in there Gabbi...he'll be back before you know it!

Best Regards,
Tory Havellana

Anonymous said...

You're right about it being harder on his parents. He did call me this morning, he is in England, on a layover for his trip to Qatar. I had bought him a sleeping bag for the flight over (recommended by Sgt. Eisenhour) to -30 degrees. He said that it was 0 degrees on the plane, and that while he was still cold, he was the warmest one there.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy just arrived in Qatar just 2-3 hours ago. He misses us all as much as we miss him and can't wait for February to be here. It is very hard for me to come home to an empty house and not have his clothes and dishes laying all over the house for me to pick up! :( I am getting through it, but I believe it will be a while before I am out of this blah mood I am in. Everything seems to be a blur and I miss him more than I could have ever imagined. Can't wait for the tears to stop and for february to be here!!!
- his new bride :)