Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WOW It's been awhile

Okay so it has definately been awhile since I've posted. Updates, updates......where to begin really?!? Well, no longer married and trying to do the single parent thing has been quite a learning experience so let's start there. My daughter's father decided when she was about 10 months old that he had made a mistake and growing up was not something he was ready to do yet. So, he moved out and moved in with a friend of his and he plays daddy 4 days a month. Meanwhile, I have been cooking, cleaning, teaching, learning, giving baths, dealing with everyday tantrums and starting to work on potty training!! I have to admit there are days where I just want to crawl back in bed and sleep until I can't sleep anymore but for the most part, I still love what I do everyday. I have decided that I need to be WAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY more organized though to make it on my own with all the things I need to get done in one day. So I am on the lookout for some online help for organizing my suddenly very busy and crazy life!! Any ideas????

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