My baby brother is set to be deployed from the US Air Force on October 10, 2008. He proposed to my beautiful new sister-in-law on her 21st birthday on July 18, 2008. My baby brother Jeremy Van Ness had his wedding on September 6, 2008 at 6:00pm. It was rainy and cold and their honeymoon destination cancelled the hotel on them due to a coming hurricane. So on his wedding day, just hours before he was to be married my little brother is trying to schedule a new honeymoon for him and his new bride!! They ended up going to San Diego where the hotel they booked was not quite what it was made up to be in the pictures and the hotel had construction going on!! What a honeymoon this was turning out to be!! Then Destiny, my new sister-in-law finds out that her debit card had been compromised and someone was out trying to spend her money!! So they had to cancel her account and moving money over to Jeremy's account, sweet talk the car rental company into letting them rent a car since neither of them is 25, and switch hotels!! I can only say that after that kind of week it has to get easier from here!! Check out more pictures of the wedding here.
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